Saturday 26 November 2016

Choosing the ancillary tasks

Magazine Advert
The song I'm doing would fit really well with Kerrang! magazine especially as Kerrang! has featured My Chemical Romance in the past. Also, Kerrang!'s target audience very much matches my own as it is mainly young people who like rock and emoish music.


People are more often looking to the web for information about bands and music etc. So, I have decided to do a website. I also chose to do this because it can provide so much more to pull a customer in. For example, there is no limit to what you can have. You aren't restricted by pages or to one sheet of A4 paper. Also, you can show customers sneak peeks of videos, clips of songs etc which can't be shown with a digi pack.

Digi Pack
I chose not to do a digi pack because more people consume music by listening through online services (e.g. Spotify) or by buying it digitally. So, less people get CDs with digi packs.

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