Monday 19 October 2015

Social Media Survey

This is a survey we created to find things out about our target audience.

1.     What is your gender?   (Please circle)


Female Male                 Other


2.     What age category are you?   (Please circle)


Under 10           11 – 19             20 – 29             30 – 39             40 – 49             50 +



3.     What is your employment status?




4.     What do you do in your free time?   



5.     Do you use Social Media?   (If No, please skip to question 9)


Yes                  No                    Sometimes


6.     How much time do you spend on Social Media in a week?  (please circle)



Less than 1 hour      1-9 hours           10-19 hours          20-29 hours          30 – 39 hours      40+ hours


7.     What Social Media do you use the most?   (Please circle one or more)


Facebook         Twitter               Youtube            Snapchat          Tumblr              Instagram


Pinterest           Reddit              Vine                  Blogger            LinkedIn            Other


If Other, please state:



8.     Why do you use Social Media?




9.     Do you feel that Social Media is safe?   (please circle)


Yes                  No                   Don’t Know                   Kind of



10.  What is your general opinion on Social Media?



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