Tuesday 20 October 2015


We also have a video to go alongside this. The video shows the pictures with the text spoken.

Masked Storyboard

Our film begins with a shot of a YouTube page. On the YouTube page is a title ‘Masked’ and a collection of suggested videos in the corner. One of the suggested videos is labelled ‘What I think about the migrant crisis. The clip on the YouTube page begins to play and it is a long shot of a dark room. In the room is a panda mask on the floor and a girl tied to a chair whilst crying.

Next, we see the YouTube clip stop. The page scrolls down to the comments. There are comments such as “She deserves it after that video” “That’s disgusting” “I like it...” Mixed in with the comments are credits to show who has done what. In this shot, the audience can also see the likes and dislikes on the video. The audience can see what the ‘general public’ think of the video which could help them decide what to think of the main character and whether or not she deserved it. The poster of the video is shown by the word ‘Anonymous.

The next scene is of friends (including the tied up girl) walking through their school. They walk past a window, giggling and chatting. The camera then zooms in to the window. Standing outside is a man in a panda mask.

Following that, we see a close up of the girls chatting as they leave the building. It is then a longshot that we see of them as the panda man is filming them and the camera is looking over his shoulder so we see his phone filming them. We can hear heavy breathing of the panda guy whilst he is hiding in the bushes.

The girls then part ways and the main girl begins to vlog using her phone. The panda guy then approaches her and knocks into her. She drops her phone on the floor and there is a couple seconds where she just stares at him. “I dislike,” he says, referring to the YouTube like/dislike option.

The girl then goes on to run away from him. As she runs around a corner, the camera angle is shown to be on top of a wall. Through editing, we will make it look like CCTV footage.

After running, the girl ends up in a wooded area. The camera does a close up roll around her. She is out of breath and terrified. She is surrounded by random bystanders filming her. She screams at them to help her but they are completely expressionless.

The panda guy catches up to her and she runs to a nearby tree. She attempts to climb it but he drags her down from it. There is then a blank screen along with a few seconds of silence. Then there is a scream.

There is then a long shot of the girl and panda guy in a creepy room (the one from the YouTube clip). The dialogue consists of her asking him questions such as “What do you want?” and “Who are you?” He doesn’t answer and there is an ECU of the girl’s face. There is then slow motion tracking of the panda mask falling to the floor (the guy took it off). There is an exaggerated sound as it hits the floor.

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