Wednesday 5 October 2016

Say Something - Student Video Analysis

Say Something Student Video

I feel like the video started well with good shots that cut on the beat which follows Goodwin's concept of fitting music and visuals. Also, there was a shot with the homeless guy sitting by himself with the world sped up and everyone was ignoring him. I thought that was quite effective. The video seemed to be quite steady camera wise and was framed relatively well. I liked the shot variety as there was extreme close ups of the homeless man crying, wide shots of him sitting and then over the shoulder shots of the other guy looking at him. I also quite liked the idea of the shadow bit but I don't think it was executed well. The mise en scene was good though as the homeless guy was dressed well and had facial hair and winter clothes and the card box box prop was quite a good idea.

However, I think the narrative was unclear and lacking. I didn't understand why the homeless guy was rejecting help and what the relevance of the other man is and couldn't tell if the shots were in chronological order. The shadow part also kept shifting between focus of the two shadows rather than being consistent which I felt took away from the effect of the scene. Also, I felt like the lip syncing was off in places because the actor was obviously saying the words and not singing them. The transitions I didn't particularly like because they were inconsistent. The switches between shots was fine but occasionally it would be a white flash which I felt wasn't needed.

I would've said this would've got around a low B maybe?

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