Tuesday 4 October 2016

Colour Scheme - Red and Black

Red and Black
Our video is going to have a red and black colour theme to match the rest of My Chemical Romance's videos and general colour scheme. It would also fit with the tone of the video as they aren't particularly happy colours, plus red has connotations of danger and blood, rage etc whereas black normally has negative connotations such as of death which we back up with the graveyard scene and we have rage when the student and teacher argue with each other.

We will be showing this through lights with the band performing and also in costuming. We will probably have some black and red nail varnish at some point along with red and black lipstick for the lip syncing scene. We might have the hands with painted nails holding hands to symbolise that it's okay that the characters aren't okay which would reinforce the video's meaning that everyone is going through stuff but that it is okay. We also might be spraying some of the band members' hair red to make them look more edgy and stick to the theme. We might also use red tints when editing on some of the footage to reinforce it.

We will also be using this colour scheme in our auxiliary texts to show continuity and recurring themes. 

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