Wednesday 20 July 2016

Conventions of Music Videos

Camera shots normally are to create emphasis on the artist and mostly consist of long shots, mid shots and close ups. Close ups normally show the main singer e.g. them lipsycning. Movement can consist of tracking to follow the artist.

Jump cuts are quite common in music videos. Simple fade transitions are used too to stop the changes of scene being overly complex.

Normally the sound just consists of the music as it would be on an album. However, sometimes there is additional dialogue e.g. at the start of My Chemical Romance's I'm Not Okay video.

Mise En Scene
Normally there is a lot of meaning behind the MES. For example, dark lighting puts across a sad tone. Artificial lighting is also used a lot to make the artist stand out. There is also a lot of symbolism i.e. like in Taylor Swift's Bad Blood video, the cutting of the teddy symbolises them cutting their innocent ties. Some effects or filters are used to portray certain things, e.g. black and white showing a flashback. In music videos, there is normally not many props at all but the props that are there have significant meaning or there are loads of props to just add to the setting. Costume reflects the genre and normally the style of the artist. Normally for female artists, it'll have some sexual aspect to it e.g. a low cut top. Like lighting, colour can be used to set a mood.

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